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Showing posts with the label aws

How to grant all privileges in mysql8

Hello Friends, How are you, hope you are doing good. Cold have been started in the country, specially northern India and I also started mysql 8.0 on AWS RDS instance. Yesterday I was trying to give full permission to new created user from all the IP in mysql 8, It started giving me error 1406 . I was using below query to give permission, as the same we were using earlier in all versions. grant all privileges on *.* to 'youngdbauser'@'%' with grant option; Above query gives error 1406 in mysql 8.0. After lots of trying and dig inside error and mysql portal. Then I created user with full permission in create statement only. This is the new statement with create user which I seen in mysql document portal. create user ''youngdbauser''@'%' identified by 'mypass'; grant all privileges on *.* to 'youngdbauser'@'%' with grant option; It resolved my issue. Summary : Now you can must specify the user's local during

MySQL Table Partitioning over cloud (Google & AWS)

AWS documentation also says horizontal physical partitioning of large table data is best practices instead keeping all in one physical file. There are advantages and disadvantages to using InnoDB file-per-table tablespaces, depending on your application. To determine the best approach for your application, go to InnoDB File-Per-Table Mode in the MySQL documentation. We don't recommend allowing tables to grow to the maximum file size. In general, a better practice is to partition data into smaller tables, which can improve performance and recovery times. One option that you can use for breaking a large table up into smaller tables is partitioning. Partitioning distributes portions of your large table into separate files based on rules that you specify. For example, if you store transactions by date, you can create partitioning rules that distribute older transactions into separate files using partitioning. Then periodically, you can archive the historical transaction data th