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Showing posts with the label data

How to encrypt and decrypt Table data in postgres

For encrypting and decrypting , we must use the bytea data type on the column which we implement. Bcoz bytea will use the pgcrypto method by default. However, you will need to create the pgcrypto extension to enable these functions as they are not pre-defined in PostgreSQL/PPAS. Example CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; CREATE TABLE userinfo (username varchar(20), password bytea); >>    Inserting the data in an encrypted format INSERT INTO userinfo VALUES(' suman ',encrypt('111222','password','aes')); select * from userinfo ; >>    Retrieving the data as decrypted format SELECT decrypt(password,decode('password','escape'::text),'aes'::text) FROM userinfo; Thanks for reading Plz dont forget to like Facebook Page..

What are differences between schema on read vs schema on write

Hello friends,  If you are talking about data, database , data-warehouse or big data nothing will complete without schema. Schema plays an important role in Data Platform.  Today I am exploring about Schema on write and schema on read in respect of datawarehouse and data lake.  Let see differences. Schema on write  Structured Data,  RDBMS,  OLAP / Data-warehouse.  Heavy ETL (extract-transform-load) role in data movement.  Change in data-model is costly.  work well in range of Data Mart. User have set of questions. Business Analysis. Collect  Data - Apply Schema - Write Data - Analyze. Schema on read  Structure & Un-structured Data.  RDBMS, NoSQ &  Hadoop.  BigData / Data Lake. ELT (extract-load-transform) & Low cost extraction. Schema is just a structured file can be switched dynamically. Ideal for large volume of data. User is exploring data without pre-defined query. Data ...