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Showing posts with the label json

Postgres New JSON data type Support of Static and Dynamic schemas

Now we can create static and dynamic both kind of schema relational table so a new kind of heterogeneous data structure can be created in Relational tables.  Relational database that is much more concerned with standards compliance and extensible than with giving you freedom over how you store data. It uses both dynamic and static schema and allows you to use it for relational data and normalized form storage. Static Relation data structure in Postgres CREATE TABLE Project (  id serial PRIMARY KEY,  name varchar,  mgr integer,  is_active boolean ); CREATE TABLE Task(  id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar, status boolean, project_id integer, CONSTRAINT idx_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES project (id) ); Dynamic Relation data structure in Postgres CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS project ( id serial PRIMARY KEY,  name varchar,  mgr integer,  tasks jsonb , is_active boolean ); Keeping JSON Document inside Postgres Table INSERT INTO project VALUES (1,'Young

Changes in RDBMS after JSON

Hi friend, I am continuing my post over my series article "Is it time to revisit PostgreSQL and MySQL with JSON support"  . Today I am sharing my 4th post which is related to " Changes in RDBMS after JSON " JSON bring changes on various vendors and technologies so new kind of challenges came to introducing this feature in their technology. To cover-up these challenge RDBMS started inclusion of JSON data type in their engine. Sooner or later all major RDBMS vendor (eg PostgreSQL, mySQL and SQL Server) added JSON as a data type to keeping document in relational table.  These are the database version when JASON introduced :- . Technology Postgres mySQL SQL Server Version PostgreSQL 9.3 MySQL 5.7.8 SQL 2016 Now a new heterogeneous database kind of structure started creating with relational engine. Static and dynamic data structure in RDBMS started introducing. Mean Relational Table =Normalization + denormalized (JSON/Array).  JSON data Passing done via stan

What are the Impacts JSON bring in technology

This is the 3rd post of my series article " Is it time to revisit PostgreSQL and MySQL with JSON support"   There are following impacts json bring in the technologies. NoSQL Document database became popular, mongodb was among one of lucky database vendor.  Technology found JSON as an alternate to xml for data interchange on platform independent. Technology found a supporting for RDBMS to keeping variety of data specially non-structured data in one environment and module. Data explosion and big data came into the platform. The cost on data keeping has rapidly decreased over the last several years, which has resulted in the rapid expansion of genomic data acquisition.  While new database technologies have become common to manage big data. Schema less architecture given support in fast and rapid application development. Polyglot persistence increases the technology surface area enough that it can become quite difficult to monitor, manage, develop, and operate such a d

Why JSON Came into Picture

After 2005 applications & user requirements started growing rapidly, Hardware and software developed, the advent of Single Page Applications and modern mobile/web apps that we know today needed some kind of data interchange to function seamlessly. To fulfill user requirement technology started shifting into  new language-independent data interchange format that time JSON came into the Picture. JSON gained rapid popularity because it makes transferring data very easy. It’s also lightweight and easy to read and understand. There are few other reasons that JSON make buzzword after 2005. Flexibility for rapid application development requirement APIs (application programming interfaces) Modern Web & Mobile Applications. Need of faster data travelling on various kind of devices. Big Data and variety in data.

Is it time to revisit PostgreSQL and MySQL with JSON support

Hi Friend, This is the time is your most important time in some productivity. Where the world is suffering from Pandemic of Corona disease (Covid-19). Everyone is under restrained in their home like jail. Govt of India told to stay in home for 21 days. So I decided to share my long pending post in a series. One of my favourite articile I wrote one year back, I got chance to share. I will share this as a series. Here are some topics related to my current Article  " Is it time to revisit PostgreSQL and MySQL with JSON support " . JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and was first formalized by Douglas Crockford. JSON is a data format interchange - method of storing and transferring data. Mostly its uses such as data conversion (JSON to SQL) and exporting data from proprietary web apps or mobile apps. XML was a big buzzword in the early 2000’s, JSON become the buzzword in later few years.  Why JSON came into picture. What are the impacts JSON bring in database t

Why JSON Came into Picture, Part-2

Hi Friends, This is the 2nd part of my post " Why JSON Came into Picture " .  I am trying to more elaborate how JSON replaces XML and supported in technology upgrade. Background About JSON JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and was first formalized by Douglas Crockford. JSON is a data format interchange - method of storing and transferring data. Mostly its uses such as data conversion (JSON to SQL) and exporting data from proprietary web apps or mobile apps. XML was a big buzzword in the early 2000’s, JSON become the buzzword in later few years. What are the Impacts JSON bring in technology ? NoSQL Document database became popular, mongodb was among one of lucky database vendor.  Technology found JSON as an alternate to xml for data interchange on platform independent. Technology found a supporting for RDBMS to keeping variety of data specially non-structured data in one environment and module. Data explosion and big data came into the platform. Th

Why JSON Came into Picture

What is JSON ? JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and was first formalized by Douglas Crockford. JSON is a data format interchange - method of storing and transferring data. Mostly its uses such as data conversion (JSON to SQL) and exporting data from proprietary web apps or mobile apps. XML was a big buzzword in the early 2000’s, JSON become the buzzword in later few years.  Why JSON came into picture ? After 2005 applications & user requirements started growing rapidly, Hardware and software developed, the advent of Single Page Applications and modern mobile/web apps that we know today needed some kind of data interchange to function seamlessly. To fulfill user requirement technology started shifting into  new language-independent data interchange format that time JSON came into the Picture. JSON gained rapid popularity because it makes transferring data very easy. It’s also lightweight and easy to read and understand. There are few other reasons that JSON make

Migrating MongoDB data to MySQL using Python

The database developers/DBAs go through the task of database migration very often in various projects. Most of the times, such tasks have source and destination using the same technology, for example, MS SQL Server to MS SQL Server or MySQL to MySQL, etc. But, in some challenging projects, we encounter some situations in which, the source and destination technologies differ, leaving us in a mess, for example, MySQL to MongoDB, etc. Even this situation can be handled, where we have to migrate from structured to non-structured database technology. But, when it comes to move data from non-structured to structured technology, it becomes a tedious task, for example, MongoDB to MySQL.  As a database developer, I was working on one such project where I was required to migrate data from MongoDB to MySQL. I tried the following steps at the initial level for connecting the source (MongoDB) to destination (MySQL) using Python Requirements : 1. Python 2.7 2. MongoDB 3.2 3. MySQL 5.7 4. My