Hi Friend, This is the time is your most important time in some productivity. Where the world is suffering from Pandemic of Corona disease (Covid-19). Everyone is under restrained in their home like jail. Govt of India told to stay in home for 21 days. So I decided to share my long pending post in a series. One of my favourite articile I wrote one year back, I got chance to share. I will share this as a series. Here are some topics related to my current Article " Is it time to revisit PostgreSQL and MySQL with JSON support " . JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and was first formalized by Douglas Crockford. JSON is a data format interchange - method of storing and transferring data. Mostly its uses such as data conversion (JSON to SQL) and exporting data from proprietary web apps or mobile apps. XML was a big buzzword in the early 2000’s, JSON become the buzzword in later few years. Why JSON came into picture. What are the impacts JSON bring in database t...
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