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Showing posts from 2019

MongoDB Compass

MongoDB Compass allows users to easily analyze and understand the contents of their data collections within MongoDB and perform queries, without requiring knowledge of MongoDB query syntax. MongoDB Compass provides users with a graphical view of their MongoDB schema by randomly sampling a subset of documents from the collection. Sampling documents minimizes performance impact on the database and can produce results quickly. Features of Compass 1. Real Time Server Stats. 2. View, add, and delete databases and collections. 3. View and interact with documents with full CRUD functionality. 4. Build and run ad hoc queries 5. View and optimize query performance with visual explain plans 6. Manage indexes: view stats, create, and delete. 7. Create and execute aggregation pipelines. Thanks for reading Plz dont forget to like Facebook Page..

Lets Virtualize Data using PowerBI

It's my 2nd post on PowerBI and Data Virtualization. PowerBI is one of the most popular software as service for Data Virtualization. Today I am sharing how to embed the powerbi report with other external application like html page . To embed start with downloading powerbi. 1.) Download- Install PowerBi Desktop and start flying with Data. ·          Install from Microsoft portal. ·          Connect to heterogeneous data-sources data sources (structure, un-structure, data-warehouse, hadoop, Data Lake, aws s3, azure blob). ·          Design and run a report (static and interactive quick and fast ). 2.) Enable Subscription on PowerBI cloud Service ·          Signup of Powerbi Service app with pro subscription (60 Days trail) 3.) Backup to powerbi desktop and sign-in powerbi service account. ·          After sign-in you will able see name on power-bi desktop. ·          Publish report on workplace. 4.) Back to PowerBI cloud service. ·          Review published

Step by Step publish PowerBI Dashboard with Postgres Data

Hi Friends, After a month I am back on my Blog with Microsoft Modern Reporting environment PowerBI. Today I will share my post related to Powerbi and How I integrated powerbi with postgres sql database. Basically, Power BI provides a set of tools to gather, prepare and interactively visualize and share data across your organization, in an optimal, secure way. You can create reports fast and easy, with enterprise-grade quality.  Power BI provides three main tools: data discovery, data preparation and data visualization. In this tip we will show how Power BI works and how to create a simple report from scratch and the options available for creating reports. How does Power BI work? According to this Microsoft documentation, Power BI consists of three parts: Power BI Desktop: to create reports in a friendly user interface. Power BI Service: a cloud SaaS used to publish and maintain reports via dashboards. Mobile Power BI: apps available for consuming reports on m

How to encrypt and decrypt Table data in postgres

For encrypting and decrypting , we must use the bytea data type on the column which we implement. Bcoz bytea will use the pgcrypto method by default. However, you will need to create the pgcrypto extension to enable these functions as they are not pre-defined in PostgreSQL/PPAS. Example CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; CREATE TABLE userinfo (username varchar(20), password bytea); >>    Inserting the data in an encrypted format INSERT INTO userinfo VALUES(' suman ',encrypt('111222','password','aes')); select * from userinfo ; >>    Retrieving the data as decrypted format SELECT decrypt(password,decode('password','escape'::text),'aes'::text) FROM userinfo; Thanks for reading Plz dont forget to like Facebook Page..