Last week I got this error from one of developer who was trying to deploy his project from Testing server to SQL Azure QA server. He was using “Deploy Database to SQL Azure” option from SSMS Tool-Task option.
After connecting to SQL Azure portal when operation started to deployment below errors occurs.
Validation of the schema model for data package failed. Error SQL71562: Error validating element has an unresolved refrence to object xx.dbo.xxxx external refrences are not supported when creating a package from this platform.
Reason: The reason of the this error was; some functions of project was dependent on master database and only single database was being deploy to SQL Azure. DACFx must block Export when object definitions (views, procedures, etc.) contain external references, as Azure SQL Database does not allow cross-database external references So, this error was coming.
Solution : I suggested him to create those function to locally on local database what he is deploying. He created all those functions in same database.Then tried once again.
Unfortunately New Errors ...Ooops
SQL71564: The element Extended Property:
[dbo].[xxx].[xx].[MS_DiagramPaneCount] is not supported when used as
part of a data package (bacpac).
SQL71564: Table Table: [dbo].[Activities] does not have a clustered
index. Clustered indexes are required for inserting data in this
version of SQL Server.
Reason: The reason of the
this error was; SQL Azure does not support deployment without clustered index in table and with extended property on objects. Jamie thomas also wrote on sql blog. So, this error was coming.
Solution I used
- Created clustered index on those table where it was not.
- Removed extended property from objects. I used below tsql to remove.
sp_dropextendedproperty @name =
'MS_DiagramPaneCount' ,@level0type = 'schema',@level0name = 'dbo',@level1type = 'view',@level1name =
After all; Once again Testing …
It worked and Project deployed.
Thanks for reading.
I guess this is a very informative and useful blog post about the happenings of Postgre SQL and many other related concepts as well.Its functionalities and usages are well justified.
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Thank you so much for providing information about SQL and SSIS and other similar aspects.
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