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First Day with Neo4j Graph Database

Hi friends, 2015 is the year when I started working on noSQL databases, I have shared my few post earlier on same . Today my post is related to one more nosql database which came into my skill recently. This is a popular Graph Database Neo4j.

Neo4j is a popular noSQL, open-source, graph database which is implemented in Java and accessible from software written in other languages using CQL. Neo4j Support ACID.

What is Graph Database ?
In computing, a graph database is a database that uses graph structures for semantic queries with nodes, edges and properties to represent and store data. Graph databases employ nodes, properties, and edges.

What are Advantage of Graph Database ?

This is the Best Database Management system for Complex relational, which can not designed through RDBMS. Linked-In, Facebook, JustDial, NASA are the most popular organization which uses Neo4j.

What is CQL ?

Cypher is Neo4j's graph query language. Cypher's syntax provides a familiar way to match patterns of nodes and relationships in the graph.

What are Objects of Neo4j ?





How to perform CRUD statements in Neo4j (Cipher Query Language)
Create(u:user {uid=123,name=”Suman Kumar Jha”})

MATCH(u:user) Where u.uid=123 Return u

MATCH(u:user) Where u.uid=7648 set u.first_name=”Suman” Return u

MATCH(u:user) Where u.uid=123 Delete u


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