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SSRS stopped working after administrator password re-set

Hello friends, As always enjoying cross platform Database support and sharing something  new for you. Today I am going to share on SQL Server reporting services. Sometime a small change can lead the blunder of issues in any IT environment and  you will start running here and there to resolve, if things are not good. Recently I was looking on MSBI-Report on development environment , I was new on this reporting server .

Reporting server was running with .\Administrator logon,  IT team given public access IP to access SSRS report publicly for demo purpose. For keeping security measure and threats in mind I just re-set the administrator password on windows server.  I was assuming when user will access the report it will ask for new windows credential and with new credential they will see the report. After testing I will rollback the password. But things goes wrong as I need to change more. After changing password reporting server started throwing error .

 " Unattended Execution Account in SSRS, The report server has encountered a configuration error. Logon failed for the unattended execution account. (rsServerConfigurationError) Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. (rsLogonFailed) Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password".

For the quick resolution I started digging around search engine and experimenting because developer is waiting to see his report back on their web application ,  as his demo was scheduled.
  • I restarted the services of SSRS ... no resolution.
  • I changed the logon services , from .\administrator to local ... no resolution.
  • I found that data source have no connection values as before.. so I said developer to re-deploy the data sources on report server. Actually the report server were able to access but when trying to access report the error was coming. but re-deploying of data source was wrong.

Then took a break just back to reporting server configuration manager and rollback the logon services with .\administrator and put the windows new password over there . Also re-set the password on execution account setting . After that restart the SSRS report .. Reports get executed.

We should also change the new sys login password on configuration manager's on logon service and execution account.



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