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Step by Step publish PowerBI Dashboard with Postgres Data

Hi Friends,

After a month I am back on my Blog with Microsoft Modern Reporting environment PowerBI. Today I will share my post related to Powerbi and How I integrated powerbi with postgres sql database.

Basically, Power BI provides a set of tools to gather, prepare and interactively visualize and share data across your organization, in an optimal, secure way. You can create reports fast and easy, with enterprise-grade quality.  Power BI provides three main tools: data discovery, data preparation and data visualization.

In this tip we will show how Power BI works and how to create a simple report from scratch and the options available for creating reports.

How does Power BI work?
According to this Microsoft documentation, Power BI consists of three parts:
  • Power BI Desktop: to create reports in a friendly user interface.
  • Power BI Service: a cloud SaaS used to publish and maintain reports via dashboards.
  • Mobile Power BI: apps available for consuming reports on mobile devices.

Here is steps How I have integrated PostgreSQL Database with Powerbi.

1. Download - Install PowerBI Desktop

The first step is to download and install PowerBI Desktop tool, this is the report development tool which we can install locally or any where .
·         Download from Microsoft portal. (download url)
·         Installation step is very easy just next - next and finish.

2. Connect postgres  Data
After installation need to connect our database which is Postgres
·         Create proper ODBC-DSN for Database server source. Please ensure you have proper postgres driver have installed on system like (Postgres SQL (x64)).
·         Start control panel -> administrative tool - > odbc datasource. Create a dsn of your database source location. Give a proper meaningful name that will recognize by powerbi.
3. Start flying with postgres Data on PowerBi Desktop
·         Start powerbi desktop and create new .

·         Go to Home->Get-Data and choose "ODBC" from More option. Connect it.
·         You will see list of all DSN created. Choose your own DSN. After that give credential and choose data tables which you want in report.
·         After completing this process data will be export in powerbi desktop.
·         Now start creating a sample report from right pannel visualization. Just drag-drop and configure. In 2-3 minute a report will ready.
·         Now save it .

4. Enable Subscription on PowerBI cloud Service.
PowerBI service is cloud based service where you can publish your created report with data source. After that it will be able to sharable - collaborate any application/subsciption/report/pdf/email or website.
·         Signup of Powerbi Service app with pro subscription (60 Days trail, URL)
5. Sign in Powerbi Service on Powerbi desktop.
After successful sign-up, now sign-in powerbi de
·         After sign-in you will able see name on power-bi desktop.
·         Now choose home->Publish to publish. Complete the powerbi app service credential and publish.

6. Now Back to PowerBI cloud service.
·         Review published report.

·         You can review dashboard, report and dataset/data source, 
7. Configure dataset gateway and schedule refresh.

Gateway creates the connection between Power BI cloud-based data analysis technology and the data source located on-premises. Gateway is an application that can be installed on any servers in the local domain. Gateway is responsible for creating the connection and passing data through.

Gateway comes in two different modes: Personal Mode, and On-premises. The difference between these two is not the paid or licensing plan. Both gateways are free to use. The difference is the way that you want to use the gateway. The personal mode is mainly used for one-person use, not for the team. On-premises gateway, on the other hand, is a choice when you want to work in a collaborative environment. Let’s look at their differences in details.

·         Generate embedding code to publish or share publicly.
8. Download and install personal gateway into local system.
follow installation screen by putting powrbi subscription credentials. Then you will able to see 

Configure schedule refresh or force to refresh from dataset.
Thanks for reading
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