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What is NodeXL

NodeXL resolve our problem to creating Many to Many Relationship in according to data. 

Last month our team got requirement from IT Director: How we can create many-to-many relationship graph based on data, automatically ? We search and tested many tools some online and some desktop installed but  no one worked fi9 and complete as per requirement. Few doesn't responded and few suggested to use paper and pen . But Our Team Lead resolve this requirement through a simple tool that was NodeXL.

NodeXL is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to explore network graphs.  With NodeXL, you can enter a network edge list in a worksheet, click a button and see your graph, all in the familiar environment of the Excel window.

I have tested NodeXL to create show many-to-many relationship graph based on Twitter trends data.. plz follow URL..

NodeXL Features Support
  1. Flexible Import and Export   Import and export graphs in GraphML, Pajek, UCINet, and matrix formats.
  2. Direct Connections to Social Networks  Import social networks directly from Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and email, or use one of several available plug-ins to get networks from Facebook, Exchange, Wikis and WWW hyperlinks.
  3. Zoom and Scale  Zoom into areas of interest, and scale the graph's vertices to reduce clutter.
  4. Flexible Layout  Use one of several "force-directed" algorithms to lay out the graph, or drag vertices around with the mouse. Have NodeXL move all of the graph's smaller connected components to the bottom of the graph to focus on what's important.
  5. Easily Adjusted Appearance Set the colour, shape, size, label, and opacity of individual vertices by filling in worksheet cells, or let NodeXL do it for you based on vertex attributes such as degree, betweenness centrality or PageRank.
  6. Dynamic Filtering  Instantly hide vertices and edges using a set of sliders—hide all vertices with degree less than five, for example.
  7. Powerful Vertex Grouping Group the graph's vertices by common attributes, or have NodeXL analyse their connectedness and automatically group them into clusters. Make groups distinguishable using shapes and colour, collapse them with a few clicks, or put each group in its own box within the graph. "Bundle" intergroup edges to make them more manageable.
  8. Graph Metric Calculations Easily calculate degree, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, eigenvector centrality, PageRank, clustering coefficient, graph density and more.
  9. Task Automation Perform a set of repeated tasks with a single click.
Sample Graph

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